For me, this book and the formula of prayer it shows how to do, was compatible with my Christianity and a missing piece in learning to effectively ask for what I wanted and needed.
Long before there was Parkinson’s in my life, I learned how important it was to ask for what I needed.
As a young woman, I knew how to imagine a condition or circumstance and then I knew how to work for it. I was raised in a way that rewarded this way of living and I enjoyed the success and independence it afforded me.
At age 14, one of my brothers and I had a thriving coffee business selling at the train station that was three blocks away from our house. We’d sell coffee in the morning before school in order to earn money for ski trips.
When I was 15, I realized I didn’t really like high school and I discovered I could graduate a whole year early if I took extra classes and summer school, so I did.
I carried this mode of operating: identifying what I wanted or needed and working for it, into adulthood. Even now it is a formula that works well, but I have added another component that includes the act of asking. This addition is enormous and shifts living and going after goals into a spiritual exercise as well as the physical manifestation of what one wants.
Asking also shifts my energy, when I don’t receive the fruits of what I’ve worked towards, into acceptance and peace instead of frustration and bitterness.
The book, Ano Ano The Seed, came into my life when I was 24 and newly arrived in Hawaii. Kristen Zambucka, a New Zealander, wrote and illustrated this book as a way to explain and honor ancient Hawaiian spirituality.
For me, this book and the formula of prayer it shows how to do, was compatible with my Christianity and was a missing piece in learning to effectively ask for what I wanted and needed.
Ho’Ano (Making the Seed)
“Form a clear unwavering picture in your mind…of the condition or object you desire. Be very careful of the details of your picture for the subconscious mind that will receive it is sharply accurate…and you will get the exact replica of what you envisage.
Forget the old condition entirely…let it fall away from your mind. Clearly see the new desired state. Paint the picture carefully inside your heard…and resist any changing of your mind. Act then as if you had already received the condition for which you asked. Feel it already upon you with the love or joy or whatever emotion you would experience if it were so. Act it out. For this subconscious mind of which we speak…this unahipili…is like a child. It loves picturesand will respond also to any emotional surge you project to it.
Daily, thereafter, gather Mana by taking four deep breaths and offer it as a gift to the God within you. Then, after this offering each day, recall the “seed picture” of your desire and offer it anew to the same higher consciousness within yourself.
This practice will strengthen the picture and make it clearer as it nears the stage where it will take form. Until your seed bears its fruit…hold it close to you as a secret…for any mention of its contents to another will spill its power to reach fruition.”
Asking for what you want increases the likelihood of receiving it.
It is simple, but not easy, because it goes against the idea that many of us have been indoctrinated with, that we are undeserving. Try it and see what happens!
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