When we accept that we are not living in normal times or functioning as we used to function only a few months ago, then we are able to begin to implement new remedies and move towards thriving…
What ways are there to recalibrate our brains into ones that work better during a pandemic?
After Andy stopped shaking, because the electrical impulses in his brain overrode the impulses creating Parkinson’s symptoms, I noticed he needed more sleep than ever before. Before Parkinson’s he and I both averaged 8-9 hours every night. During the worst years of his extreme tremors, he’d sleep fitfully at night and nap off and on all day long. After his brain surgery, when the shaking had been suppressed, his need for sleep increased to 10-11 hours at night and often included a 1 hour nap during the day, especially if he had been very active.
We learned that the suppression of his symptoms, while allowing him to have his life back, also required him to have a lot more sleep than before. Sleep is the most renewing of activities.
As the acute response to the Covid19 pandemic evolves into a chronic marathon of trial and error with a longer term ending to many previously allowed activities, we all need more sleep. Period.
The energy we use to cope with our global pandemic is mostly unseen and often hard to feel. It hums along our inside selves as we all try to keep up healthy appearances.
Appearances can be deceiving.
When we accept that we are not living in normal times or functioning as we used to function only a few months ago, then we are able to begin to implement new remedies and move towards thriving instead of treading water, in these changing times. Try allowing more sleep into your life and see what happens.
My own 8-9 hours sleeping has become 9-10 hours and this has helped me cope and thrive.
Adaptogens usually refer to substances that adapt to one’s specific needs and help protect against various stressors. We will explore many of these substances in coming blogs, but for now sleep, not usually thought of as a substance, acts exactly like an enhanced adaptogen that each person will benefit from in the ways they need most.
People complain about being extra tired and not able to perform their regular pre Covid19 activities. What if we acknowledge that the underlying reality and uncertainty of Covid19 is showing us we ALL need to sleep more? What if we embraced earlier bedtimes, later mornings and the possibility of an afternoon nap or rest?
Let’s support our physical, mental and emotional health with one of the most simple, inexpensive, attainable ways to thrive during Covid19.
You can also read this article in my column in my local newspaper the Taos News.
Dad and I love this blog because we see ourselves reflected into it and it is helpful in explaining even to ourselves why sleep is being so enjoyed. Thank you for your insight.
I am glad this blog gave some understanding and comfort as that is the whole purpose of my writing! Also, to help my own Mom and Dad is a wonderful feeling.