Sometimes the people who stand with you in the hard times are not the ones you would have expected to be there. Letting go of people is really letting go of expectations about those people. I became attached to my two loving midwives and had […]
Our dream home was his crowning glory of projects and was our “Rolling Home” housetruck, a gorgeous comfortable home on the back of a truck where we had lived and raised our children. While living with Parkinson’s Disease, we asked our friends to stand with […]
We needed friends who were strong and flexible enough to meet us right where we stood, not longing for another time that was no longer possible. Isn’t life a constant revision of our friends? Who we trust to stand with us in times of joy […]
I realized I was choosing to be his caregiver and in that moment of acceptance lifelines showed up. Caregiving became my job by default, because I never set out to be anyone’s caregiver. Family caregiving is like that. It happens when Mom falls and breaks […]
This symptom took us by surprise. Although the remedy is easy, it’s another loss. Andy and I have always shared a bed. The size of the mattress never mattered- only that we shared it. After 47 years of marriage, we’ve shared beds in houses, on […]