Sometimes we have the purpose and enthusiasm to start a new project, but we lose the spur and stop doing what we started after some time. When this happens, we begin to think about what we can do to motivate ourselves and continue to the […]
What We Learned with Acupuncture
We made our way, that evening, into Dr. Caroline Colonna’s Willow Clinic and took our places among the many tremoring and stiff people who had also arrived with high hopes. We had high hopes that acupuncture treatments could help alleviate Parkinson’s symptoms and perhaps cure […]
Achieve Success with Motivation Sources
Sometimes life doesn’t go according to plan no matter what you do. You start every day with the best of intentions and hope for success. Many situations in your life are out of your control. These unexpected moments derail your positive intentions. As leaders, we […]
Start Your Successful Personal Development Blog
Every day different people attempt different challenges. You can use what you have learned from facing your issues to help others face them. One way to help other people is to start a self-help blog. You can offer an opinion from your individual experience that […]
What We Learned with Counseling
When Parkinson’s arrived, it was a different story. Doctors could tell us our medical choices, but who could help us know how to rebuild our lives in a way that included this disease? Before Andy had Parkinson’s, when we’d have personal troubles, we NEVER sought […]
Write Inspirational Blog to Motivate People
Inspirational pieces of writing or Motivational stories are anecdotes of hope, commitment, and encouragement. They create emotion in the reader, creating a connection between the reader and the writer. The primary purpose of an inspirational story is to inspire a sense of positivity within the […]
Our Own Path and Destiny
“Remember, you don’t have Parkinson’s, Michelle. You can help Andy on his path, but you have your own path and destiny.” It’s true that we didn’t always learn what we thought we were going to learn. One of the first natural healing for Parkinson’s treatments […]
Breathing Lessons
I taught my mom and dad to breathe together, in synchronicity, as another way to be connected and communicate. I have two deep and poignant life experiences that show how conscious breathing can become a lifeline when really tough challenges come along. My relationship with […]
“What Makes You Happy?” — How to Grow Happiness
Why is it so hard to be happy from time to time? Yes, you must have asked yourself many times. Maybe you too have reached the stage like others where that famous “comfort zone” is not enough yet. You strive to make you feel the […]
Tipping Points
I’m talking about conscious breathing exercises that enhance every aspect of our life experience. Specifically, Pranayama breathing, which translates to “regulation of life force energy.” Living with the restrictions and limitations of a global health pandemic pushes us towards tipping points. Conscious choices made now […]